Associate Partner (en) Dr. Joaquim Sarrate

Joaquim holds a law Degree from the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona as well as a Master in German Law (LL.M. Heidelberg 1992) and a Dr. iur. ut. (Heidelberg 1997). Thesis published in the German publishing house PETER LANG (ISBN 3-631-32452-9).

He is a Spanish lawyer with 25 years of professional experience. He has gathered significant experience in national and international law firms. He has also been appointed Insolvency Administrator by several courts in Spain.

Joaquim is specialized in national and international commercial law with special emphasis on German-speaking countries; Distressed & Insolvency cases with an international element in cross-border contexts; Foreign investments in Spain and Spanish investments abroad, Enforcement of foreign judicial decisions, Private International Law, Real Estate.

He was a fellow of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (Germany), the DAAD (Germany) and the “Fundación La Caixa” (Spain).

Joaquim has been a lecturer for over 20 years at the ESADE Law School (Univ. Ramón Llull – Barcelona).

He works fluently in Spanish, Catalan, German and English. He speaks and understand French and Italian

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