Henner Schmidt

Henner Schmidt provides 25+ years of experience in management consulting and interims management. His experience covers the process industries - in particular the chemical industry as well as the supply and disposal industry - with a focus on energy and waste management. His track record covers site management and the development of large industrial complexes in the chemical industry. He gained many years of experience abroad in Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

Year of Birth



  • DEA, ENSIC Nancy (Chemical Engineering)
  • Dipl.-Ing. (degree in engineering), University of Karlsruhe (TH)

Professional Experience

  • Theron Advisory Group: Partner

  • JSW Consulting: Partner since 1995

  • TRIAD Advisory Group: Partner

  • McKinsey & Co., Berlin and Warsaw: Consulting

Industry Experience

Energy and UtilitiesEngineeringProcess Industries

Functional Experience

Organization DevelopmentRestructuringStrategy
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